Tony Romain

Art Director

Who are you?

I’m Tony Romain.  I’m a Southeastern graduate with a Visual Arts degree. I had a double concentration in Graphic Design and Photography and I spend a lot of my free time exploring the latter. I love photographing people, so portraits and fashion photography are my passions. I spend a lot of down time on Instagram or editing in Lightroom.

What do you do?

I’m the Art Director so I work on the layout for websites and collateral print materials. I also get to put my photography skills to use quite a bit and I help develop marketing strategies for our clients. In addition to that, I help oversee interns on their projects; which is nice since I started as an intern myself.

Why do you love working for 5 Stones Media?

I like to describe my job as “making pretty things.” I love taking the raw elements and information and developing something with strong visual appeal. As cliché as it sounds, I’m blessed to be in a position to do the things I love to do and get paid for it. And the people I’m surrounded with are some of the most inspirational people you’ll ever meet. We’ve got a killer team.

What is the most important lesson you ever learned?

You have to keep moving forward. No one ever has achieved success with his or her back turned.

What inspires you?

My friends in the art and design communities. I’m always learning from them and pushing to be better because of them.

What are your hobbies outside of work?

I spend a lot of time fighting back the minions of darkness on Destiny with my friends who are all over the nation now. It’s one of the few ways we can stay connected.

What is one thing you can't live without?

Music. I’m always listening to it while I work. I also write lyrics from time to time.

What’s your favorite color?

Orange. Most everything in my workspace is orange. Laptop cover, iPad case, mouse, headphones, highlighters, pencils, post-its, masking tape, etc.

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